Michael Behringer

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and email you once they're released

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Pandolfi: Sonatas for Violin and Continuo

J.S. Bach: Viola da gamba Sonatas, BWVV 1027-1029

Vivaldi: Sonatas for Cello & Basso Continuo

Die Bach-Söhne

Stamitz: Violin Sonatas, Op. 6

Simply Bach Concertos for Three and Four Harpsichords (Famous Classical Music)

La follia - The Triumph of Folly

Johann Sebastian Bach: Concertos for Three and Four Harpsichords BWV1044,1050a,BWV1063-1065

Biber: Rosary Sonatas Nos. 1-15 and Passacaglia

Bach, J.S.: Sonatas for Viola Da Gambe and Harpsichord, Bwv 1027-1029

J. S. Bach: Harpsichord Concertos III

Bach: Harpsichord Concertos, Vol. 3

Bach, J.S.: Christian Life

Bach, J.S.: Passion

Bach, J.S.: Der Zufriedengestellte Aolous, Bwv 205 - Quodlibet, Bwv 524

Bach, J.S.: Clavier-Buchlein for Anna Magdalena Bach, 1725

Bach, J.S.: Jesus Hymns

Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A)

Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A), Advent and Christmas

Bach, J.S.: Secular Cantatas, Bwv 202-204

Bach, J.S.: Book of Chorale Settings (A), Trust In God ...

Bach, J.S.: Harpsichord Concertos, Bwv 1063-1065 - Bwv 1044, Bwv 1050A

Bach, J.S.: Musical Offering, Bwv 1079

Bach: Anna Magdalena Clavier Book

Bach, J.S.: Concertos for Two, Three and Four Harpsichords