Tim Warfield

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums
and email you once they're released

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Between Two Worlds (feat. Johnathan Blake, Tim Warfield, Bruce Barth & David Wong)

Oasis: The Music of Gregg Hill (feat. Terell Stafford, Tim Warfield & Bruce Barth)

Jazzland (feat. Terell Stafford, Pat Bianchi, Byron Landham & Daniel Sadownick)

Two Men Singing

Spherical (feat. Eddie Henderson, Orrin Evans, Ben Wolfe & Clarence Penn)

Inspire Me!

Eye of the Beholder (feat. Nicholas Payton, Cyrus Chestnut, Rodney Whitaker & Clarence Penn)

Tim Warfield's Jazzy Christmas

A Sentimental Journey (feat. Terell Stafford, Pat Bianchi & Byron Landham)

Jazz Is.. (feat. Nicholas Payton, Stefon Harris, Cyrus Chestnut, Tarus Mateen & Clarence Penn)

Captain Black (feat. Ralph Bowen, Tim Warfield, Antonio Hart, Sam Newsome, Avishai Cohen, Rodney Whitaker & Ralph Peterson)

On the Verge (feat. Nicholas Payton, Tim Warfield, Warren Wolf, Aaron Goldberg & Reuben Rogers)

The Unity (feat. Nicholas Payton, Tim Warfield, Anthony Wonsey & Reuben Rogers)

One for Shirley (feat. Terell Stafford, Pat Bianchi & Byron Landham)

Gentle Warrior (feat. Nicholas Payton, Terell Stafford, Cyrus Chestnut, Tarus Mateen & Clarence Penn)

Song for Donise (feat. Nicholas Payton, Tim Warfield, Anthony Wonsey & Reuben Rogers)