Jörg Dürmüller

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums
and email you once they're released

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K. 620 (As Heard in the Motion Picture "Des Königs Zauberflöte") [OST]

Fall: Paroli

Spohr, L.: Letzten Dinge (Die)

Mozart: Requiem

Suppe, F. Von: The Beautiful Galatea [Operetta]

Flotow, F. Von: Alessandro Stradella [Opera]

Nicolai, O.: Merry Wives of Windsor (The) [Opera]

Krenek, E.: Sardakai [Opera]

Krenek: Der Sprung über den Schatten, Op. 17 (Live)