Sigi Schwab

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Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Invitation (with Sigi Schwab, Eberhard Weber, Heribert Thusek & Charly Antolini)

On Stage (Live)

Ludwigshafenkonzert (Zum 50jährigen Bühnenjubiläum von Sigi Schwab) [Live]

Songs and More (Original Score)

Session 2000 (Live)


Guitar Selection

Clara (Music from the Original TV Series)


Wiener Klassik Serenaden (Beethoven Diabelli)

In Concert (Molitor Rossini Schwab)

Laura und Luis (Music from the Original TV Series)


Anna (Music from the Original TV Series)

Meditation, Vol. 2



Rondo A Tre

Backstage (Live)

Hofkonzert (Virtuose Serenaden aus der Zeit um 1800)

Total Musik

Ragtime (Scott Joplin)


Wiener Serenade (Galant heitere Musik aus der Zeit nach 1800)

Live at the Nortsea Jazz Festival

Meditation (Guitar Special)

Guitar Special (Capriccios, Divertimenti, Miniaturen, 12 Ländler)

Vampyros Lesbos (Sexadelic Dance Party) [Original Score]