Michel Godard

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and email you once they're released

Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Spiritus Spiritus (Live at Jazz in Bess)

Astrolabio mistico



Katchinas (feat. Henri Texier, Jean-François Canapé, Michel Godard, Yves Robert & jak mahieux)

Amor sospeso


Renaissance (feat. Nicola Pisani, Michel Godard, Luca Garlaschelli & Francesco Montebello)

Lo stortino (feat. Luciano Biondini, Michel Godard & Francesco d'Auria)

Campo Armónico

Endless (feat. Luciano Biondini, Michel Godard & Patrice Heral)

Doux désirs

En El Amor

The Roots of Unity (feat. Michel Godard)

Astrolabio (feat. Gianluigi Trovesi, Glenn Ferris & Michel Godard)

A Serptent's Dream (feat. Michel Godard, Katharina Bauml, Bruno Hellstroffer & Lucas Niggli)

Three Seasons



Godard, Michel - Becker, Markus: Renaissance Goes Jazz

Expanded (feat. Eirik Hegdal, Michel Godard & Lucas Niggli)

La belle femme qui pleure

Monteverdi - A Trace of Grace


The Art of the Tuba: Fabien Wallerand

The Art of the Tuba: Fabien Wallerand

Terre lontane

De Profundis


Fall Memories




Trio Rouge

Cousins Germains

Le chant du serpent


Eichelberger: Une Messe pour la Saint-Michel & tous les saints anges

Trinkle Trio (feat. Michel Godard)

Castel del Monte II

Tuba Tuba


Castel del Monte

European Chamber Ensemble (with Lucas Niggli, Roberto Ottaviano, Michel Godard, Philipp Schaufelberger, Karel Boeschoten, Marius Ungureanu & Pierre-François Massy)

Souffles (with Lucas Niggli, Roberto Ottaviano & Michel Godard)

Tre Cose

The Root of the Problem (feat. Steve Potts, Thomas Heberer, Michel Godard & Achim Kremer)

The Enja Heritage Collection: Loose Wires

Kejadenn (feat. Michel Godard)