Ton Koopman

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Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Itinerary of a HIP Musician

J.S. Bach: Six Partitas for harpsichord (Clavier Übung I) BWV 825-830

J.S. Bach: 6 Sonatas for Harpsichord and Violin, BWV 1014-1019

Bach: Essentials

Buxtehude: Opera Omnia XIII: Chamber music vol. 2

London Symphonies: Symphonies nos. 97 & 98

Bach: Viola da Gamba Sonatas, BWV 1027 - 1029

Bach: New Year's Day Cantatas

Bach: Musikales Opfer, BWV 1079

Bach: Actus Tragicus

Buxthehude: Opera Omnia VII - Vocal Works III

Bach: Ascension Cantatas

Bach: Wedding Cantatas

Bach: Latin Church Music Vol. 1

Opera Omnia I - Buxtehude: Harpsichord Works I

Opera Omnia V - Buxtehude: Vocal Works, Vol. II

Buxtehude: Opera Omnia II - Vocal Works, Vol. 1

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 13

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 18

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 19

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 22

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 16

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 21

Bach: Cantatas Vol. 20

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 15

J.S. Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 5

J.S. Bach: Cantatas Vol. 7

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 12

J.S. Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 6

J.S. Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 4

J.S. Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 3

Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 2

Bach: Matthäus Passion - BWV 244

J.S. Bach: Cantatas Vol. 1

Locatelli: the Italian Music Master In Amsterdam

J. S. Bach: Cantatas, Vol. 9

Bach, J.S.: Organ Works

Bach: Christmas Cantatas - Weihnachtskantate

Harmonie Universelle

Bach. J.S.: Harpsichord Works

J.S. Bach: Die Sonaten Für Viola Da Gamba Und Cembalo

Bach: Easter Oratorio, BWV 249 & Magnificat, BWV 243

Bach: Toccata & Fugue in D Minor

Marin Marais: Pièces de viole des Cinq Livres

Bach: St Matthew Passion, BWV 244

Handel: La Resurrezione

Bach: Orgelwerke IV


Bach, J.S.: 2 Part Inventions, 3 Part Inventions, 6 Little Preludes

Bach: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041 & 1042 & Concerto for Two Violins, BWV 1043