Wolfgang Lackerschmid

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Tracked artists will check for upcoming albums and email you once they're released

Living Standards II (feat. Mark Egan & Wolfgang Lackerschmid)

The Abraxas Sessions (feat. Wolfgang Lackerschmid) [Live]

Pensive Memories (feat. Wolfgang Lackerschmid)

Never Stop Playing (feat. Myslaure Augustin, Bänz Oester & Samuel Dühsler)

Compositions for Melodic Percussion

Summer Changes (feat. Mark Soskin, Jay Anderson & Adam Nussbaum)

After Hours

Dedication (feat. Wolfgang Lackerschmid)


Studio Konzert for Headphones

Lake Geneva (feat. Chuck Loeb, John Lee & Marilyn Mazur)

Vibes Summit

Samba Gostoso

Herzschmerz - Lüpertzlieder

There's No Forgetting You

Wolfgang Lackerschmid Connection: Magic Brewery

Common Language, Common Sense

Hurry Up and Wait

Live at Birdland Neuburg (feat. Stephan Holstein, Walter Lang & Wolfgang Lackerschmid)

You Are Here

Vom Pflaumenbaum und der Keuschheit

The Legacy Vol. 3 - Why Shouldn't You Cry

Gently But Deep

Welcome Back

Mallet Connection

New Singers, New Songs 1994

Transatlantic Crossing

New Singers - New Songs 1993

One More Life


Live Conversation

Girl with the Bird (feat. Adzik Sendecki, Mario Castronari & Janusz Stefanski)

Quintet Sessions 1979 (feat. Larry Coryell, Buster Williams & Tony Williams)

Ballads for Two

Mallet Connection 1977

Manipulsation (feat. Wolfgang Lackerschmid, Wolfgang Lauer & Gerhart Ziegler)