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The John Harle Collection, Vol. 21: Art Music Remixed
The John Harle Collection Vol. 18: Lounge Party (A Doggy - Bag of Harmless Sounds)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 20: The Golden Demon (Audiobook with Music)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 19: Beat Party (Contemporary Tracks 1985 - 2017)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 17: The Ballad of Jamie Allan (Folk Opera 2005)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 16: Lost in Time (Traditional and Contemporary Songs 2004 - 2017)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 15: The Power of Limits (Post Minimal Music 1989 - 2015)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 13: Progressive (Songs and Electronic Music 2005 - 2020)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 14: Silent Witness and Music for Film (Contemporary and Vintage Film Music 1985 - 2017)
The John Harle Collection, Vol. 2: Lush Life
The John Harle Collection Vol. 11: Shipbuilding (1996 - 2017)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 12: London Blues Contemporary Jazz 1983 - 2014
The John Harle Collection, Vol. 10: Berlinermusik (The Berliner Bands 1983 - 2013)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 7: Diversions (The Myrha Saxophone Quartet 1977) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 8: Gothic (Medieval, Renaissance and Contemporary Music 1988 - 1991) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 9: Leviathan (John Harle Compositions 1985 - 2013) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 6: Foursquare (The Myrha Saxophone Quartet 1980 - 1986) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 5: The Tale of the Broken - Hearted Accordion (The John Harle Saxophone Quartet 2003) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 4: Sequenza (Saxophone Solo and Piano Duos 1980 - 2015) [Live]
The John Harle Collection Vol. 1: Sultry Sunset (Saxophone and Piano Duos 1996 - 2016)
The John Harle Collection Vol. 3: The Little Death Machine (Saxophone Concertos 1981 - 2013)
Hockney (Original Motion Picture Score) [feat. John Parricelli, Alexander Balanescu & Steve Lodder]
The Tyburn Tree - Dark London
Dahl: Concerto for Alto Saxophone, Music for Brass Instruments, The Tower of Saint Barbara, et al.
Richard Allain: When I'm Gone
Woods, Bennett, Denisov & Others: Saxophone Works
Tavener: Total Eclipse & Agraphon
Whitbourn: A Finer Truth
Beamish: Imagined Sound of Sun On Stone (The)
Villa-Lobos: Concertos & Instrumental works
Harle: Silencium - Music of Inner Peace
Harle: Terror and Magnificence
Birtwistle: Panic, Earth Dances
Sax Drive - Myers, Bennett & Torke: Saxophone Concertos
The Jazz Album
Nyman: Where The Bee Dances / Bryars: The Green Ray / Westbrook: Bean Rows And Blues Shots
Saxophone Concertos
Catalan Concertos
John Harle Plays Bennet, Berkeley, Denisov, Heath & Woods